Mordants |  | Mordants are required to make dyes light-fast and wash-fast. Although some dyes do not need them, mordants will enhance colours and in some cases change the shade. Chemicals can be harmful. Please take care when using them, avoid inhailing the powder and wash skin which comes in contact with it. Approx. amounts required: 100g mordant to 1kg fibre.
| Natural dyes |  | Natural dyes can be found extensively in plant life throughout the world. Some can be obtained in gardens and growing wild - some plants are protected species so be aware of what you are picking. To assist in providing a range of colours to complement locally available ones we can offer a wide variety. The colours will vary enormously depending on the amounts used, the effects of mordants and the type of material being dyed. All dyes are supplied in 100g weights unless stated. No instructions come with these dyes.